Licht am Rad

Light on the Bike

Discover the fascination of night cycling and maximize your safety and visibility with these three tips.

Pauline Krüger
Mythen über das Radfahren

Myths About Cycling

Cycling is a popular leisure activity and a common form of transport for commuters. However, there are many myths about cycling. Find out whether cycling is really only for athletes or whether cycling in city traffic is dangerous. 

Pauline Krüger
Warum ein Fahrradkurierdienst eine bessere Alternative zu anderen Versandmethoden sein kann

Why a Bike Courier Service Can Be a Better Alternative to Other Shipping Methods

Discover the efficient solution for traffic jams and finding parking spaces in big cities: bicycle couriers. More and more people are switching to bicycles and using environmentally friendly transport services, especially in modern cities. Learn more about bike couriers, their history and their benefits. Despite some disadvantages, they are a popular and future-oriented alternative to traditional delivery services. 

Pauline Krüger
Ein autofreies Leben

Leading a Car-Free Lifestyle

The trend towards a car-free lifestyle is growing due to environmental awareness, traffic problems and health aspects. Our tips show how you can live without a car, especially by using bicycles. We highlight the financial benefits, the importance of where you live and give practical advice for making the switch. We also provide a checklist for choosing the right bike to replace your car, depending on individual needs and environmental requirements.

Pauline Krüger
Alles, was du für dein nächstes Bikepacking-Abenteuer brauchst!

Everything You Need for Your Next Bikepacking Adventure!

Find out how you can have an unforgettable adventure in nature with bikepacking! Start your multi-day cycling adventure with the right equipment and a little planning. Find out how to plan the best routes with the help of and optimize your packing list for ultimate convenience. Transport your equipment with the VEOLO Cargo Trailer and the robust pack sack. Then you can set off and enjoy nature to the fullest!

Pauline Krüger
Sicheres Radfahren in der Stadt

How to Cycle Safely in the City

Find out how to get around the city safely by bike. With the help of 10 tips, we will explain to you which rules the StVO prescribes for cyclists and how you can behave confidently and defensively in traffic. Furthermore, learn more about different safety standards, so you can get on your bike and become part of the mobility transition too!

Pauline Krüger
Regeln in Fahrradstraßen

Rules on Bicycle Lanes

Modern traffic planning ensures that cyclists have free travel. Well-structured cycling facilities increase the attractiveness enormously. Not only the establishment of cycle paths, but also cycle streets contribute to this.

In the following article you will find out what cycle streets are, how you can recognize them and what special regulations apply there.

Pauline Krüger
Tagged: Fahrrad Info
Radfahren macht gesund & glücklich

Cycling is Healthy & Makes You Happy

Find out seven reasons why cycling not only makes you healthy, but also makes you happy! Learn how cycling can relieve back pain, strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve lung function, relieve pressure on joints, strengthen muscles and accelerate fat metabolism. With just 30 minutes of moderate exercise three to five days a week, you can already feel positive effects. Discover how cycling not only promotes physical but also mental well-being by reducing stress and releasing happiness hormones. Get ready to cycle your way to a healthier and happier lifestyle!

Pauline Krüger